Monday, 16 September 2013

Love Always update

We are now on version 6 of 'Love Always.' I think I have found writing a short film drama harder than I first expected. I don't think it is because it is a period drama that it has caused us problems, I think because it is the genre, we as a collective have least experience in. The main idea that we found hard trying to convey into the script was the fact that over the film our protagonist Mary had to go on a mental journey and change. Simons feedback said that her character was flat. I think version 6 now shows a clear emotional journey that she goes on. At the beginning of the short Mary is portrayed as a very weak, naive and vulnerable person, but as she starts to realise that Arthur isn't coming back she becomes a stronger character that doesn't take being walked over anymore. At the end of the short instead of being upset and crying when she finds out that Frank has hidden the letters she becomes angry, shouting and confronting him instead of running away like she would have at the beginning.

We have also made it clearer to the audience of what sort of life Frank lives. Not only have we shown Mary's little brother, Johnny mocking him at the beginning of the script but today we also added a scene where an old man from the same village treats Frank with no respect at all and snatches his letters out of Franks hand. This new scene along with the other added scenes of him in his lonely, isolated flat portrays the sort of life Frank leads. 

I am looking forward to Simon's feedback and I hope he feels we are nearer to a final draft.

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